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Great Journeys Begin Here

Are you a first-time freshman just beginning your college experience?

Are you transferring from another institution, or are you an adult student returning to complete a degree?

Great journeys begin at EKU for all students who are

  • Energized by challenges,
  • Enriched through experience, and
  • Engaged in learning

If you’re ready to achieve more that you ever imagined, EKU is the place where you can dream bigger and reach higher. Great Journeys Begin Here.

Outstanding Academic Programs
Choose from 108 academic degree programs - many that are nationally recognized - with numerous options.

Respected Faculty
Learn from and be inspired by dedicated faculty who are experts in their fields.

Dynamic Learning
Evolve into a critical and creative thinker while developing effective communication skills.

Real Career Preparation
Put theory into practice through service learning, internships, and co-op programs.

Life-Enriching Opportunities
Immerse yourself in a culture of exploration and discovery through numerous academic and student life organizations and activities.

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